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The State of Education – Student Outcomes Don’t Change Until Adult Behaviors Change Starting With me..., Starting with You... these conversations are parent led community conversations regarding educational challenges and opportunities. The purpose of these discussions is to improve student outcomes, to bring awareness of educational issues and concerns, to encourage community participation/involvement in our neighborhood schools and to organize parents and community to become leaders. We work with students, parents and community to help them use their voice and power to improve education in Houston: Monthly meetings focused on different topics. Connect parents with valuable resources. Give parents the tools and information to communicate directly with decision makers. Make the community pay attention to all schools and all children. Why Parents Should Be Involved As parents with children enrolled in schools in the Houston Education System, it is time for us to exercise our rights to be actively involved and engaged in the decision-making that affects our children’s education. Pursuant to section 26.001 of the Texas Education Code, Parents are partners with educators, administrators, and school district boards of trustees in their children’s education. Parents shall be encouraged to actively participate in creating and implementing educational programs for their children. Parents and families should be able to trust their local school systems to provide their children with an education that will prepare them for the future. Presently, many children who live in and attend schools in historically marginalized and under-resourced communities are not receiving the quality education that will yield positive outcomes. Local schools that serve historically marginalized communities have been allowed to fail for too long. It is time for that to end. The ultimate goal of the parents and families of Discovering U’s State of Education is to improve outcomes for students attending Houston-area schools. A nonprofit is as strong as the community that holds it up. Together, we can do more than we can do alone. Let's bring our abilities and passions together to affect real change.

State of Education: Documentary

Building a Brighter Future Together

Our students represent the future of this community. By investing in them today, we are laying the foundation for a stronger, more vibrant tomorrow. This is our opportunity to make a difference, not just for individual students; but for the entire community.


The time to act is now. Whether by becoming a mentor, volunteering, or forming partnerships with schools, your involvement can have a lasting impact. Together, we can ensure that every student has the resources, encouragement, and opportunities to succeed.

Mentorship Programs

Mentors serve as role models, guiding students through academic and personal challenges. Studies show that mentored students are more likely to stay engaged in school and pursue higher education, setting them on a path to success.


Whether it’s in classrooms, after-school activities, or other school events, volunteers provide the extra attention that students need to thrive. Your presence can make a huge difference in helping students feel supported.

Business Partnerships

Local businesses can play a powerful role by offering internships, job-shadowing opportunities, or sponsoring school programs. These partnerships give students real-world exposure to career opportunities and help them feel connected to the community.

Family Engagement

Families remain the most influential part of a student’s support system. Schools that actively engage families in decision-making, school events, and conferences create an environment where students feel more connected, motivated, and prepared to succeed.

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